Food as Information: Nourishing Your Body's Dialogue

What we eat significantly impacts our health. Proper nutrition not only provides necessary nutrients but also affects our energy levels, mood, and overall vitality. A topic that I believe lies at the core of our wellbeing is the concept that "food is information" for the body. Dr. Mark Hyman (Chairman, Institute of Functional Medicine; Founder and Medical Director, The UltraWellness Center; and New York Times best-selling author) says: “Food is more than just calories, it’s information that our cells need to function, information that our metabolism can use to either run efficiently or sluggishly trudge along.”

Food impacts every system in your body. The right kind of food can help optimize each system, while the wrong can harm each system. The right food regulates the health of your microbiome and immune system, reduces levels of inflammation and oxidative stress, and improves your energy systems. Food balances your hormones and brain chemistry, supports detoxification and improves the function and health of your circulatory and lymphatic systems. It even provides the raw materials for every cell, muscle, tissue, organ, and bone in your body.

In our fast-paced lives, it's easy to view food solely as fuel, focusing on its caloric content or macronutrient composition. Let’s shift our perspective and explore how the food we consume serves as vital information that communicates with our bodies on a cellular level:

The Cellular Conversation

Every morsel we eat is like a message to our cells, influencing gene expression, metabolic processes, and overall health. Imagine each bite as a piece of code, instructing your body on how to function optimally. It's not merely about calories in and out; it's about the quality of the information we provide to our intricate biological systems.

Nutrient-Rich Dialogue

Whole, nutrient-dense foods are like a language that our bodies understand and respond to positively. Fresh fruits, vibrant vegetables, lean proteins, and wholesome grains convey messages of vitality, providing the essential nutrients our bodies crave for optimal function. These foods supply the raw materials needed for energy production, cellular repair, and the maintenance of a harmonious internal environment.

Here are some strategies to enable and enhance this nutrient-rich communication:

• Keep it Colorful. Embrace a rainbow of colors on your plate, indicating a diverse range of nutrients.

• Prioritize whole, minimally processed foods to ensure you're providing your body with wholesome information.

• Maintain a good balance of macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) to support optimal functioning of body systems.

• Focus on hydration. Remember that water is a fundamental part of this conversation, ensuring that cellular processes occur smoothly.

Processed Foods and Negative Signals

On the flip side, heavily processed, nutrient-depleted foods can be likened to sending confusing or negative signals to our cells. Laden with additives, preservatives, and empty calories, these foods may disrupt the intricate conversation between our cells, leading to inflammation, oxidative stress, and potential health issues.

Mindful Eating as a Practice

Understanding that food is information empowers us to practice mindful eating. It encourages us to choose foods that speak the language of health and vitality. Mindful eating involves savoring each bite, appreciating the flavors, and paying attention to how our bodies respond to different foods. In the grand symphony of wellbeing, viewing food as information can elevate our understanding of nutrition. Let’s be mindful of the messages we send to our bodies through our food choices.

As your health coach, I'm here to guide you in crafting a dialogue with food that promotes vitality, supports your unique needs, and lays the foundation for a thriving, well-nourished you.


Macronutrients 101


Achieving Holistic Wellness: The Interconnected Elements of Your Health